Digital Content Strategy

Not just Digital Content – Digital Conversations

Digital content strategy encompasses the text, images, and assets that bring your business to life online. It’s easy to think of content as a quick hit. In reality, it’s the business asset most often encountered first by a prospect, and one that must be tended over time. At Varun Infosys Digital, we treat it that way.

Web Content Strategy = Smart Conversations

Our experienced content strategists get into the mindset of your customer to devise strategic digital communications. With a core belief that the online world is multi-dimensional, we connect the dots between you site, your blog, and social channels to engage and spark action.

  • Research-Based Content Plans: Say something smart. We help clients become part of the conversation that prospects and customers are already having.
  • Content Strategies: Each challenge lends itself to different channels. We seek out the ones that will work best for you, considering online as well as offline strategies and integrating blogging strategy, keyword strategy, and your overall search strategy.
  • Taxonomy Development: When content is structured well, people experience rather than surf.
  • SEO-Aware Content Development and Optimization: Keyword insights inform content planning and structure, including optimized images and videos.
  • Multi-Channel Editorial Calendars: A commitment to content governance keeps messages fresh, relevant, and up-to-date.
  • Copy Editing and Proofing: Because well-planned content must always be written well.

Content strategy includes content writing, but that’s just the start. Real content strategy sparks meaningful conversations with your audience in a 24/7 digital landscape. If your digital strategy doesn’t include a content strategy, then you don’t have a digital strategy.